Greater Twin Cities Care

Empowering independence, nurturing care

Dedicated to empowering individuals to lead their best lives, we extend our support to those who may have encountered difficulties fitting into traditional group homes, offering personalized care that ranges from just one hour a day to around-the-clock assistance. We prioritize trust and treat everyone with respect and compassion. Our committed team works tirelessly to make this mission a reality, and we take great pride in helping individuals achieve their goals and maintain their independence. Our ultimate aim is to be here, ready to end a hand and make a meaningful difference.

Integrated Community Supports ICS

 GTCC is excited to announce the opening of its latest Integrated Community Supports setting in South Minneapolis. Click "Learn More" below for additional details and to view apartment photos.

What we do 

Housing Support (formerly known as GRH)

  Is designed to provide room and board for seniors and adults with disabilities who have low incomes. The program aims to reduce and prevent people from living in institutions or becoming homeless. 

Individualized home supports (IHS)

Services designed for individuals residing in their own residence or with their families, offering assistance and, if required, training in various community living services.

Night Supervision 

Provides overnight assistance and monitoring by an awake staff in the person's home.

Individual community living supports (ILCS)

is a bundled service that includes six service categories. ICLS services offer assistance and support for people who need reminders, cues, intermittent/moderate supervision to remain in their own homes